Alison behind the Wanderland

I have always loved wandering.  Asphalt moving beneath me was a comfort I found when I was young. I am grateful to have a family that explored national parks during summer vacations and taught me about camping amongst trees, deserts and mountains; and having a father who would take me riding on the back of his 1984 Honda 110, that he still has in his garage. I remember the first time I swung my legs around the sides of a motorcycle engine, and gripped the handlebars; I was riding all my own, and even though my heart raced, I had the biggest grin on my face.  One decade and thousands of miles later, my heart still races at the thought of my next adventure.

I find motorcycling to be liberating. There is something soothing about the continual motion of two wheels constantly in rotation.  Some people like curling up with their favorite blanket on the couch, I like cozying up next to my KLR, with the solace of the open road, yellow lines beckoning to be followed around the next curve. There is nothing like passing through the scent of pine needles when the sun hits them, or watching the wafts of vapor rise from a rain damp road warming after a storm, or cresting the ridge of a steep incline, the view exploding into miles beyond.  I fondly revel in my travels because I am at home, on my couch, cozied with my favorite blanket, since it’s those memories that rally me for the next one. But the journeys are not without challenge: exposure to searing heat, being pelted by hail in a flash storms, spending long hours in summer rains, holding on with white knuckles as the wind tries to blow me sideways.  And those are just the elements; that’s not even considering what goes on in my helmet.  All that time spent alone you really get to know what you are made out of.

So, this blog is the sum of my travels. Each year I turn my wheels to adventure amongst roads yet explored, as well as the comfort of familiar ones. Hope you enjoy as the stories unfold…

A note of appreciation:  To my family and friends…Thank you for being so supportive of my adventures, especially as a solo female traveler, and for all the enthusiasm during the chaos of my trip preparations, as well as listening to all my stories when I returned.  To the KLaRmy and ADV crowds I have rode with….Thanks for all the tips and help picking up my bike while learning to utilize those tips! And To those I have met along the way and others I have yet to meet…Have wonderful and safe travels!  See you on the road…

24 thoughts on “Alison behind the Wanderland

  1. Hi Allison. Remember the the two old guys you met in Lassen Park. I’m the old fat one. I was glad to read that the trip went well. I’m curious if you made it all the way to prudeau bay. Glad to hear you made it home in one piece. Good luck on your future adventures. keep posting. Until we meet again , Rich and Kim BMW buddies

    • Hi Rich…I was just looking thru pics of Lassen…there’s a couple good ones in there while we were hiking. It was lovely to meet you two and start off the trip in good spirit. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it all the way to Prudhoe Bay, my timing was a little off since it was so late in the season. Bummed, but enjoyed the scenery I did get to see 🙂 Hope I run into you guys on the road again sometime! A

  2. Hi Allison. Good to hear from u . Sorry u didn’t make it all the way. I would love to see some of your pictures sometime. Good luck on your rides . Hope we meet up again sometime. Rich

  3. Hey there, KLR rider! Me too! Really enjoying your travel blog. Here’s mine:

    If you ever need a place to stay near Portland, Oregon, contact me! My husband and I host traveling motorcyclists a lot. Payment: stories, stories, stories. And letting us look at your gear, ’cause we loooooove to look at gear.

    Give me a shout and I’ll let you know about “Burning Moto Man”, an event in June here in Oregon.

  4. Alison,
    John Briner here, a friend of Frank Larson’s, a follow KLR rider and adventure rider recently returned from a Bellingham, Washington to Ushuaia, Argentina adventure.
    Email me and I’l send you a link to my blog if your interested
    I’m on fb, pictures under “Going South”.
    Safe travels and all the best,

  5. Really great page. We are looking forward to following your journey. Have fun and be safe!
    Judee and Art Wickersham

  6. Hi Alison I love your trip. I just saw that you will sell your bike in Buenos Aires mid april. I am interested please enter in contact with me. Francois

    • I hope to make it around all 50 someday. Funny how I have traveled so much, but still missed a bit of my homeland. I will keep your info – thank you! Maybe see you on the road someday…

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